
The Love that Perseveres
Love is not mere sentiment, but a commitment to sacrifice for the good of others. As we abide in God's love, we are empowered to love even those who wrong us, to forgive those who hurt us, and to keep loving even when it is difficult.

Cultivating a Humble Spirit
Humility is a rare and precious virtue in our self-focused culture. Yet Scripture commands us to "clothe [ourselves] with humility" (1 Peter 5:5). A humble spirit acknowledges our total dependence on God and our need for His grace.

Faith in the Midst of Uncertainty
In a world filled with anxiety and unanswered questions, faith calls us to trust in God's sovereign plan. True faith rests not in our own understanding, but in the character of a loving and all-powerful God.

Giving as an Act of Worship
Giving is not just a religious duty, but a profound act of worship that aligns our hearts with God's heart. As we freely offer back to God a portion of what He has first given us, we express gratitude, trust, and surrender.

Investing in Eternal Dividends
Our financial resources are not our own, but a stewardship entrusted to us by God. When we give to advance the Gospel and serve the poor, we are making investments that will pay eternal dividends. This eternal perspective frees us from the trap of greed and materialism.

Generosity in a World of Scarcity
Generosity in a World of Scarcity In a culture that idolizes wealth and self-sufficiency, Christians are called to a radical generosity modeled after our lavishly giving God. Generous giving reflects the gospel truth that we are recipients of God's boundless grace

The Joyful Duty of Tithing
Tithing is not merely an obligation, but a privilege that allows us to honor God and participate in His work. Through faithful giving, we demonstrate our trust in His provision and store up treasures in heaven. Tithing frees our hearts & opens our eyes to eternal priorities.